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Community Programme

This is a separate programme for high school graduates. We equip beneficiaries with employment skills and life skills. This is coupled with Christian discipleship to help nurture the spiritual growth of our beneficiaries.


Our students are discipled through topical discussions, Bible studies and additional Christian teaching resources. This equips them spiritually and enables them to apply Christian principles in their day-to-day lives.


We teach our students various financial management skills to help better prepare them for adult life. Our course includes sessions on budgeting, credit/debt, banking, financial pressures, planning and stewardship.


We teach our students various 'employability' skills to help set them apart from other candidates when applying for jobs. Our course includes sessions on CV Writing, Cover Letter Writing, Interview Skills, Presentation Skills, Problem-Solving, Timekeeping and Self-Management Skills.


Sound, biblical guidance is crucial in the lives of young adults who are learning to be independent and who are stepping out into unchartered territories for the first time. We have group and one-on-one mentoring sessions to discuss various issues and to encourage our students.

See some highlights of our Community Programme below!

To donate to our Community Programme, please press the 'Donate' button below and choose 'Community Programme' in the designation box

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